What Is Marijuana Addiction?

Question by : What is marijuana addiction?
How do you get addicted to it?

Best answer:

Answer by Debb
you can’t.

Answer by Az R
Same as any other addiction:Impaired control over use, compulsive use, continued use in the face of consquences, negative consquences in other areas of life, and craving.

Addiction is a complex disorder arising from a combination of genetic, social and environmental factors making an individual susceptible to developing it on exposure to a substance or behavior that stimulates the brain in the right way.

http://www.painmed.org/pdf/definition.pdf the AMA-ASAM, APS and AAPM explanation of what addiction is.

The same as any other drug abuse. A vulnerable individual starts using, because of that vulnerability the drug stimulates the brain in a way that disorders motivation.

DELIVERED from Addiction to Smoking Marijuana for 30 Years


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