What Are the Requirements to Become an Addiction Counselor in the State Of….?

Question by paramorelover01: what are the requirements to become an addiction counselor in the state of….?
I am 17 and planning out what i want to be once i graduate high school and head to college. i would like to become a addiction counselor but do not know if i need to go to a university or just community college…..can anybody help me out by telling me?

Best answer:

Answer by jannsody
That’s wonderful that you would like to help those with addictions! Even though there are some community colleges that offer associate (two-year) degree programs in addictions counseling, most employers prefer those with a master’s degree (such as in ‘counseling’ or ‘social work’) in addition to the certification requirement to work as an ‘addictions counselor’. Getting certified as an addictions specialist also requires having had many hours of clinical experience in the field working with an actual patient caseload.

The Association for Addiction Professionals should have more information about certification: http://www.naadac.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=424&Itemid=77

For general career information: http://www.bls.gov/oco and can search ‘counselors’, ‘social workers’ or such.

Accredited programs in counselor education: http://www.cacrep.org

For accredited programs in social work: http://www.cswe.org/Accreditation.aspx

US colleges: http://www.utexas.edu/world/univ

For possible volunteer opportunities (such as volunteering on a helpline): http://www.volunteermatch.org

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