side effects

Drug Abuse Treatment Plan: Drug Abuse Treatment

Drug addiction treatment typically involves several steps to help an addict to successfully withdraw from using the drug. The treatment must be followed by counseling and attending self-help groups to help the recovering addict to resist any crave for using the addictive drug again.

The first step of drug addiction… Continue reading

SAT Steriods, ADHD Drugs-Study Aids?


SAT Steriods, ADHD Drugs-Study Aids? – Ashley, a College student is interviewed by psychologist Dr. Charles Shinaver about prescription drug abuse to improve academic performance. Are you aware of any college students who are not diagnosed with ADHD but abuse ADHD medications as a study helper? What awareness do… Continue reading

What Sign Is the Most Susceptible to Becoming a Drug addict/Alcoholic?

Question by Obsolete: What sign is the most susceptible to becoming a drug addict/Alcoholic?

…Or, if you have any friends who are either of these, what sign are they?

Best answer:

Answer by Marko
First place pisces,second place cancers

Add your own answer in the comments!


Sunrise Centre… Continue reading

Is Bruising Under the Eyes a Side Effect of Drug Abuse?

Question by VI Guy: Is bruising under the eyes a side effect of drug abuse?
There is a man in my neighborhood with whom I used to do business. Recently the quality of his work has deteriorated and I had to fire him after he ruined an expensive job.… Continue reading

Charlotte Drug Treatment Centers (704) 665-1880 – Drug Detox


Charlotte Drug Treatment Centers (704) 665-1880 – Drug Detox – (704) 665-1880 Charlotte Drug Treatment Centers provide highly trained counselors and physicians demonstrating superior care. Admissions are by appointment-only after your initial confidential phone assessment. Drug Treatment Services • Drug Treatment • Alcohol Treatment • Drug Detox •… Continue reading