new york knicks

Do NFL Fans Have a Stronger Liking for Teams Not in Their Teams Conference?

Question by : Do NFL fans have a stronger liking for teams not in their teams conference?
Example… I’m a Dolphin fan, and I love my Dolphins plus alot of teams in the NFC…
Giants, 49ers, Packers, Lions, Cowboy, etc.

but I can’t stand… Steelers, Patriots, Jets, etc.

Do fans… Continue reading

Why Is It That the More I Learn About Pets (Dogs, Cats, Etc), the More I Love Humans.?

Question by : Why is it that the more I learn about pets (dogs, cats, etc), the more I love humans.?
I’m trying to understand my psychology. I used to have a dog and all he caused was grief. I had to buy him food. I had to take him… Continue reading