Question by CLBC1412: Addictions?
I come from a family of smokers and alcoholics. I myself never plan on becoming one, I’ve already lost a grandmother from lung cancer. I know the effects of smoking and alcohol and how addicting it is, not to mention how stubborn my family is. I… Continue reading
In Treatment: Outgoing CEO of Wyoming Valley Alcohol and Drug Services …
In treatment: Outgoing CEO of Wyoming Valley Alcohol and Drug Services …
Part of the challenge in giving addicts the help they need is a "reactive culture" consumed with talking about the devastation addiction causes instead of taking steps to help addicts recover. That's why, he said, "50 percent… Continue reading
Boy Found With Untreated Chemical Burns on His Genitalia, Parents Charged …
Boy Found With Untreated Chemical Burns On His Genitalia, Parents Charged …
A Denver couple was charged with child abuse after police found a boy with third-degree chemical burns on his genitalia. Anthony Harrell, 50, and Denise Combs, 57, allegedly left their 15-year-old son's burns — which may have been… Continue reading
Want to Write About Previous Drug Addiction?
Question by Tony: Want to write about previous drug addiction?
I want to write like a story about my previous drug addiction to pills but idk how to start it. Also I want to find a job that I can do where I can help people struggling with drug addiction… Continue reading
Is a Drug Rehab Program Where They Evangelize You and Incourage Christian Growth Lead to Good Outcomes?
Question by Andy: Is a drug rehab program where they evangelize you and incourage christian growth lead to good outcomes?
My friend is addicted to herroin. I dont have insurance but I saw a drug rehab program at my church where they lead a bible study and teach you to… Continue reading
How Do Drug Users Get High of Prescription Meds?
Question by Raquel Quezada: How do drug users get high of prescription meds?
im doing a term paper on prescription drug abuse but I dont how or the ways they get high if it. do they just take alot?
Best answer:
Answer by Audrey
It depends on the drug. You… Continue reading