drug use

Is There Any Shops Near Metro Detroit That Sell Herbal Incense Blends?!?!?

Question by Eric: Is there any shops near metro Detroit that sell Herbal Incense Blends?!?!?
Hi, I am on probation and i get drug tested for Cannabis regularly. So recently i have been looking for “herbal incense blends” to consume. I have found many websites that shit it to you,… Continue reading

Alcohol Treatment | DeBary Drug Rehab & Detox Helpline

Alcohol Treatment | DeBary Drug Rehab & Detox Helpline – Substance abuse is a serious disease which can cause long-term physical, mental and emotional trauma. Each day, thousands of people throughout Florida live w…


The net is taking over
Having realised that the platform is also being used as… Continue reading

Efficiency Is a Problem: Irrational Use of Medicines

Efficiency is a Problem: Irrational Use of Medicines
The obstetricians and gynecologists failed to inform Rh-negative pregnant women about why they had to have a Rhogam shot. Inefficiency is prevalent in the U.S. healthcare system, which adds costs and undermines quality, and raises questions about how …
Read more on… Continue reading

My Online Shopping Addiction

My Online Shopping Addiction – Guys, you don’t even know how bad this addiction is.


Taking Back Chenango expands dialogue to New Berlin
… the state has slowed the flow of prescriptions through a method that prevents 'doctor shopping,' and two, heroin has never been this cheap.” He added… Continue reading

Addiction – What Is Inherently Wrong With It?

Question by Halsfield: Addiction – What is inherently wrong with it?
(I restarted this question because i laid the last question out sloppily and people were missing my point)

Question: What is wrong with being addicted to something? Everyone is addicted to something right now, but people seem to have… Continue reading

Pros of Alcohol and Drug Abuse?

Question by Angel: Pros of alcohol and drug abuse?
I’m having a debate on alcohol and drug abuse for my sociology class and my half of the debate are the pros. I certainly know that the functionalists would say that drug and alcohol abuse is good because it provides jobs… Continue reading