Drug Rehab Centre??
Question by ok go: Drug rehab centre??
I know that opening a Drub Rehab centre is good because addict people can be hopefully cured there…
but does it have any disadvantage???…like…affects on the poeple around…or…the houses prices going down??
any thing??
thanky ou
Best answer:
Answer by c0ns0l3_guy
Crime could… Continue reading
Heroin Addicts Seeking Sobriety Face Barriers to Receiving Treatment
Heroin addicts seeking sobriety face barriers to receiving treatment
DiRenzo spent years trying to get help for him, but was denied for many reasons – she was constantly told she didn’t meet the "criteria" for treatment centers, she even got turned away from emergency rooms because doctors say alcohol withdrawal… Continue reading
I Have a Rare Auto Immune Diseasealled Necrotizing Crescentic Glomerurlonephritis?
Question by : I have a rare auto immune diseasealled necrotizing crescentic glomerurlonephritis?
More or less its progressive kidney failure and can attack other organs. I was on the only treatment for this witch was the chemo drug Cytoxan and 30mg prednisone. Is there another way to treat this my… Continue reading
The Physical and Emotional Affects of Drug Addiction?
Question by runeknight94: The Physical and Emotional Affects of Drug Addiction?
i have to do a report on this and i was wondering before i start on this section of the report if you could give me any helpful websites or advice or anything thats really helpful thanks….
Best answer:… Continue reading
Does Anyone Know Anything About Prescription or Over the Counter (OTC) Drug Addictions?
Question by hondii: Does anyone know anything about prescription or Over the Counter (OTC) drug addictions?
Im doing a project for school about prescription and Over the Counter (OTC) drug addictions.
Does anyone know:
the more common drugs to get addicted to?
How often does this occur?
What do pharmacies/doctors… Continue reading
Full Mouth Rehab Dentist in Thousand Oaks and Woodland Hills
Full Mouth Rehab Dentist in Thousand Oaks and Woodland Hills – http//www.thousandoaksdentist.info Botox can be used to treat patients with TMJ. We have Two Locations The Oaks Center for Cosmetic Dentistry (Thousand Oaks)…
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