drug treatment

Why Do Chiropractors Call Themselves Primary Care Providers?

Question by Dr Curious: Why do chiropractors call themselves primary care providers?
As a practitioner of medicine, I am a bit confused as to why many chiropractors/chiropractic schools make this claim. I, as many of my colleagues, have paid very little attention to chiropractors and their manipulative work, as it… Continue reading

Your Drug by Special Case

your drug by special case – original song most credit for lyrics goes to Idaho.


Phil Haslanger: Noah, 'Dead Man' and the line between justice and mercy
At the beginning of April, the Pew Research Center reported that Americans across the political spectrum are shifting toward treatment rather than… Continue reading

I Need to Know if There Are Any Drug Rehabs in Brownwood, Texas That Will Take People With Dual Diagnosis.?

Question by dania d: I need to know if there are any drug rehabs in Brownwood, Texas that will take people with dual diagnosis.?
My friend has a brother whom she thinks has dual diagnosis. She knows for a fact that he does heroin, but she’s not sure if he’s… Continue reading

Wilderness Works

Wilderness works
His son, Christian, age 15, participated in the wilderness program at SUWS of the Carolinas in Old Fort last year. SUWS is one of several local and regional organizations that use …. Lewis recently completed another study, in collaboration with Four …
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Watertown man faces up to 3 years in prison for shoplifting
Judge Kim H. Martusewicz will mandate that he serve his sentence in the prison system's Willard Drug Treatment Program. If he completes the 90-day program, he will serve the remainder of his sentence under parole supervision.… Continue reading

Seeking Out Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Virginia 855 602 5102

Seeking out Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers In Virginia 855 602 5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Virginia http://yourdrugabusehotline.com/looking-for-alcohol-rehab-treatment-in-virginia/ Seeking o…


Oregon VA fatalities result in wrongful death payouts
By Aaron Glantz. The Center for Investigative Reporting. A delusional veteran jumps off the roof… Continue reading