Nearly four months after it was aired at a public hearing, legislation aimed at facilitating the $ 1.1 billion expansion of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center appears poised to move out of committee with a strong endorsement from a top House …… Continue reading
How Do I Get Over a Drug Addiction?
Question by Lilly?: How do I get over a drug addiction?
Ive tried therapy, doctor help, patches, and nothings working. help?
Best answer:
Answer by laquanda
Your question history = Troll.
Answer by matt
will power. thats the only thing tht makes any method of quitting work. there is no… Continue reading
Lawmaker: Responders Should Carry Drug That Counteracts Opiates
Lawmaker: Responders should carry drug that counteracts opiates
Quincy, Mass., Patrolman Sean Glennon and other officers trudged three crowded Boston blocks in November during the Red Sox World Series championship parade to save a woman overdosing on heroin. Her boyfriend … State Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Squirrel Hill …
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Are There Low Costs or No Costs Long Term Residential Treatment Centers for Drug and Alcohol Addictions?
Question by john_morlock2001: Are there low costs or no costs long term residential treatment centers for drug and alcohol addictions?
Friends of mine have an adult child who has already been through short term drug and alcohol rehab (2 weeks to 30 days) treatments, only to relapse. He needs longer… Continue reading
Can Someone Help Me?!?
Question by Gabbie: Can someone help me?!?
Hey there. Names Gabby & I’m trying to find Rehab Center. But not for me for my older brother. You see I have an older brother he has an alcohol problem. He just can’t stop drinking & it’s just causing problems for me… Continue reading
Babies Born Addictedproblem Across Western Pa
Babies born addictedproblem across Western Pa
PITTSBURGH (AP) — Nicole Ehredt of East Liberty was in methadone treatment when she delivered three of her four children, struggling to break a drug habit that started when she was 12. The youngest suffered tremors from addiction when he was born …
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