Is the Media Marketing Pain Pills to Addicts?
Is The Media Marketing Pain Pills to Addicts?
And it has addiction experts so concerned, they're trying to stop the drug from ever hitting the market. Currently marketed only in combination with acetaminophen (Tylenol) or aspirin, hydrocodone products are already the number one bestselling …
Read more on Daily… Continue reading
Drug Rehab Center Boston | Detox in Boston | Drug Rehab Center Boston
Drug Rehab Center Boston | Detox in Boston | Drug Rehab Center Boston – Substance Abuse Rehab Boston offers a highly customized detox process, however, there are three b…
ACC: HEAT PPCI Burns Angiomax
The researchers treated the patients, evenly assigning them to either of the study drugs,… Continue reading
3 Drug Therapy Assessment PCP
3 Drug Therapy Assessment PCP –
Electronic monitoring useful for Eastern Iowa courts, but “not a magic bullet”
… sanction or intermediate treatment intervention,” said Cole. From a public safety standpoint, electronic monitoring helps law enforcement track the movement of offenders, particularly those convicted of violent offenses, substance abuse… Continue reading
How Addiction Changes Your Brain
How addiction changes your brain – Tim Brunson, PhD, talks about how the brain works regarding addictions (alcohol, drug addiction). Why does your brain respond to repeated behavior? How can y…
Construction begins on child & adolescent recovery hospital
… builds upon the work of William Jackson and Marienne… Continue reading
If Someone Is Using Methadone, Can They Get High of Other Drugs?
Question by Allyson: If someone is using methadone, can they get high of other drugs?
My uncle is an outpatient in methadone treatment. But acting very hyper and running around a lot. Is this normal? Or could he also using something else?
Best answer:
Answer by nurse
Methadone doesn’t make… Continue reading
Were Can I Get Inpatient Drug Treatment in Alabama for Free?
Question by cynthia w: were can i get inpatient drug treatment in alabama for free?
i have a drug and alcohol problem.i need inpatient help or i’m going to die.. can any one help?i live in birmingham,alabama.i am homeless and that makes my addiction that much worse.i have tryed out… Continue reading