Clean Needles Benefit Society and Programs Don’t Make Sense Do the Premises Support the Conclusions?
Question by muellerdavidallen: Clean Needles Benefit Society and Programs Don’t Make Sense Do the premises support the conclusions?
USA Today
Our view: Needle exchanges prove effective as AIDS counterattack.
They warrant wider use and federal backing.
Nothing gets knees jerking and fingers wagging like free… Continue reading
Prank Calls – Drug Abuse
prank calls – drug abuse – im on drugs and this guy tries to help me out warning im a spaceman
Crime hotline celebrates 10 years with growing number of calls
Filed under: drug abuse hotline
Many of the cases concern serious crimes such as murder and child… Continue reading
Drug Rehab in Ma: Drug Rehabs – the Battle Against Addiction
Drug addiction is undoubtedly one of the great tragedies of our society. Drug abuse is claiming lives by the thousands. For those who do survive drug addiction, there is a never-ending struggle to remain whole.
Drug abuse was once considered the plague of youthful indiscretion. Times have changed, however, and… Continue reading
Drugs & Addiction : Effects of Drug Addiction in Adolescents
Drugs & Addiction : Effects of Drug Addiction in Adolescents – The effects of drug addiction on adolescents are mainly concentrated around their motivation, but drug addiction also highly influences their decision-making skills. Discover the destructive effect that drugs have on adolescents with information from a licensed mental health… Continue reading
Drug Addiction Definition: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction – a Disease or Not?
Alcoholism and drug addiction are two maladies that have severely afflicted scores of people across the globe. Now, whether these two should be categorized under diseases like cancer or heart disease is a debate that seems to rage on and create great controversy.
The medical community today generally seem to… Continue reading
Substance Abuse Treatment: Truth About Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
It is sad to see that society has become more dependent on drugs and alcohol these days and more people are sent into institutions for Substance Abuse Treatment everyday! It has become inevitable to stop the new range of liquor and drugs which becomes available and it is becoming a… Continue reading