co-occurring disorders

Is the Drug Rehab Treatment Program Medically Based?

Question by : Is the drug rehab treatment program medically based?

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa
There is an advantage to including on-site medical care in a Drug Rehab. Physicians and nurses provide 24-hour hospital services to monitor and ensure a safe withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. In addition,… Continue reading

Where to Go for Pet Scan and Drug Abuse Recovery?

Question by Machi: Where to go for pet scan and drug abuse recovery?
I am a first generation immigrant and have no experience or any idea of how to get help for my 21 year old son’s drug and alcohol addiction. 3 months ago he came to me confessing everything:… Continue reading

Understanding Dual Diagnosis and Co-Occurring Disorders


Understanding Dual Diagnosis and Co-Occurring Disorders – Did you know an untreated mental health problem is the number one cause of substance abuse relapse? Gateway Foundation Alcohol & Drug Treatment is a leader i…


Pat Buchanan, Kirsten Powers wrangle over GOP effort to defund Obamacare

Filed under: drug… Continue reading

Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB


Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB – Overcoming drug addiction and co-occurring disorders can seem like an unobtainable dream, and most people feel burdened and doomed. However, there is help fo…


Drugs seized from area home

Filed under: drug abuse hotline

A drug-related search warrant at a Fostoria… Continue reading

Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Receiv Tribute & Free Medicine Help by Charles Myrick of ACRX


Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Receiv Tribute & Free Medicine Help by Charles Myrick of ACRX – -As millions of Americans strive to deal with the economic downturn,loss of jobs,foreclosures,high cost of gas,and the risi…


Leaders demand action after Nunavut boy, 11, dies by suicide

Filed… Continue reading

Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB


Prescription Drug Abuse Hotline (855) YES-REHAB – Overcoming drug addiction and co-occurring disorders can seem like an unobtainable dream, and most people feel burdened and doomed. However, there is help fo…


Campaign launched to reduce mental health stigma

Filed under: drug abuse hotline

Acting Secretary of Public Welfare… Continue reading