alcohol and drug abuse

Grant Helps Fund New Detox Center in San Angelo

Grant helps fund new Detox Center in San Angelo
March 29– SAN ANGELO, Texas– The San Angelo Health Foundation awarded the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council for the Concho Valley a $ 1 million grant to aid in the construction of a residential treatment facility and detox center. The grant… Continue reading

Fatal Coward Punches to Attract Longer Prison Sentences Under Harsh New Laws

Fatal coward punches to attract longer prison sentences under harsh new laws
Penalties will also be increased for those who misuse anabolic steroids, putting that use in the same class as dangerous drugs like amphetamines and ecstasy while the definition of “unduly intoxicated” will be broadened to ensure successful action… Continue reading

How Addiction Changes Your Brain

How addiction changes your brain – Tim Brunson, PhD, talks about how the brain works regarding addictions (alcohol, drug addiction). Why does your brain respond to repeated behavior? How can y…


Construction begins on child & adolescent recovery hospital
… builds upon the work of William Jackson and Marienne… Continue reading

Alcohol Drug Abuse…………..?

Question by Jenny: Alcohol drug abuse…………..?
I have to do a presentation tomorrow trying to appeal to my peers (high school) that alcohol drug abuse is bad. What are some good things or facts to say? (I’m just looking for more ideas)
Thank you.
bleh, it’s late
I meant
alcohol… Continue reading

Could I Have Already Developed an Addiction to Marijuana?

Question by Thomas A: Could I have already developed an addiction to Marijuana?
I have been smoking about 2-3 times a week since July 2009.

Could I currently be addicted to marijuana?

Best answer:

Answer by Nicole
yea if you do it that much per week. I would try to… Continue reading

Justin Bieber's Calabasas Mansion Pictures From Last Year Show Drug

Justin Bieber's Calabasas mansion pictures from last year show drug
And one other person has offered help, Backstreet Boys singer A.J. McLean, who has fought a personal battle with substance abuse. He told People he plans to contact Scooter to 'see if I can reach out to Justin and… Continue reading