Marijuana Addiction?

Question by lifeisviewtiful99: Marijuana Addiction?
I think my friend might be addicted to marijuana. all he does is smoke most of every day, all day. its ruining his relationship with his girl, putting his job on the rocks, and making him financially unstable. but he cant seem to stop. Please….anyone have tips and/or advice to help him quit????

Best answer:

the problem with mary j is everyone who is addicted to it tells u the substance isnt addicting

u may have to get Jesus into their lives because that He is the only thing that can open their eyes to their problem

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Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction – Discover the symptoms of marijuanaaddiction in this free home health video Expert: rivrsurvivor Bio: John DePalma, born and raised in, Queens, NY, has been a recovering alcohol and drug addict for over 17 years. Falling off the wagon, after five years, John learned a no nonsense approach to dealing w


A West Coast Marijuana Revolt?

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“Since we've had [medical marijuana] dispensary distribution, the number of kids in marijuana addiction treatment has grown.” ~ Colorado's Attorney General John Suthers. From his porch overlooking Seattle's Lake Union and Interstate 5, former U.S …
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In July, the American Society of Addiction Medicine issued several findings concluding that addiction associated with marijuana is a "significant public health threat" and that marijuana could be particularly harmful to adolescents' brains. A gateway …
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From Twitter:

RT @NDARCNEWS: Phone counselling & how it can help those with cannabis dependency: Full study in @AddictionJrnl … – by ReGenUC (ReGenUC)