Just Completed the WV Alcohol Safety Program for DUI?

Question by bob s: Just completed the WV alcohol safety program for DUI?
In WV I just totally finished the alcohol and drug safety treatment program as required by the WV DMV for a DUI in WV. I was wondering how long the DMV took to send me a letter or something, or should I call the DMV? I have paid all my fines and need to reinstate my license.

Best answer:

Answer by trooper3316
I doubt they are going to contact you. Bring the paperwork showing you completed the classes to the DMV.

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Social Development Commission takes steps to figure out its role

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

The agency offers some youth services now, including programs on youth employment, education, drug and alcohol treatment, and recreation programs. Randall said he expects some recommendations by spring. The second task force will look at health care …
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Assumption Introduces Certificate in Substance Abuse Counseling

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

The certificate program can be combined with CCE's Bachelor of Arts in Human Services and Rehabilitation Sciences with a concentration in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling. All the credits earned in the certificate program can be applied toward a …
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