Judge John Wulle in Court: July 6, 2010


Judge John Wulle in court: July 6, 2010 – Clark County Superior Court Judge John Wulle on Feb. 22 was charged with conduct violations. In this video from July 6, 2010 he yells at a juvenile appearing on an arraignment for a probation violation. (He ran from a drug treatment center.) The 17-year-old says he doesn’t care about the judge’s work, and the judge detains him for five days for bad behavior.


Outside donors steering Bay State ballot questions

Filed under: drug treatment centers in washington state

An out-of-state billionaire and deep-pocketed interest groups have hijacked the ballot measure process in Massachusetts, stacking the odds against the kind of grass-roots political activism it was intended to empower, a review by the New England Center …
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