Is This Internet Addiction or Escape From Real Life Duties?

Question by Venom: Is this Internet addiction or escape from real life duties?
I have lost interest in my studies. I finish them as fast as I can to get to the Internet and spend time on forums or chat with friends.
I waste a lot of time… What can I do?

P.S: No witty answers such as “Get off Y!A”…

Best answer:

Answer by M.C M
This might not help you a lot- but I say it’s both.

You get on the Internet to escape real life duties and just chillax- hang out and listen to music. But as you keep on clicking and clicking through websites, watch dumb videos where somebody’s taping their cat’s behaviors, and talk to strangers- you’re also wasting you’re time.

Same for me as I’m supposed to memorize this speech for tomorrow’s event… but as you can see- I’m procrastinating on the computer… still, it’s nice to know that there’s somewhere where you can escape the reality, y’know? So you can’t really blame yourself- others got it BAD.

Bringing their laptops to the bathroom? Yeah, we share your feelings.

Answer by xfabregasx

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