Is There Any Advice for Someone Who Can’t Seem to Overcome a Fear of Being Around Others?

Question by freedomeclipse: Is there any advice for someone who can’t seem to overcome a fear of being around others?
Im in recovery from a 5 year drug addiction and have spent all my life using alcohol and drugs to supplaint the fears Ive always had when interacting with other people, especially in potentially sexual situations. Now Im 5 months sober and am confused and scared of even being social with anyone else except my Recovery Meetings. Any advice? Any medication that might help?

Best answer:

Answer by linda h
Talk to your doctor. There are medications that can help with social anxiety. But talking to a counselor may be a better option for you.

Good luck!

Answer by smile4u
Since your a recovering addict I don’t think medication would be your answer. You need to talk to a therapist to see what the deep problem here is. Any recovery takes time. You probably have low self esteem and are afraid to be yourself in public. Go talk to a therapist and get through this. It might take some time but it will help you. Good Luck and congrats on the 5 months sober keep it up.

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