Im on Probation and Caught Another Charge Is There Anyway I Can Get Drug Treatment Verses Prison?
Question by : Im on probation and caught another charge is there anyway i can get drug treatment verses prison?
Im on five yrs probation and a cpl w eeks ago i was in the car w my ex bf and got pulled over , the ex bf had drugs on him and they charged me w the drugs as well. Im out on bond and am gonna hire a new attorney. But im wondering if i could get drug treatment instead of prison time, cause i do realize i need help and i want help. Also i know the treatment would have to be linked w the court system and allow offenders only , like a lock down treatment. Im gonna research programs that fit that criteria and present the different rehabs to my attorney. Do u think that may work..? Thanks for your time 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by wtinc
Will it make any difference to you even after being given a 2nd chance you choose to hang with those who you know are using or dealing drugs. If i were the judge i would not give you a 3rd chance because you will just continue down the path your on.
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Alternative Sentencing Program for Incarcerated Mothers – Chicago, IL: An addicted mother describes being sentenced to a family-based treatment program instead of prison.
Ex-school employee sentenced for providing drugs
Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison
Roberta Kondo of Nampa could be eligible for probation in less than a year if she successfully completes a treatment program designed for prisoners with substance abuse issues, prosecutors said. Otherwise, she faces a maximum of five years in prison.
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle