How Many Children Enter Foster Care at Birth in This Situation?

Question by sizesmith: How many children enter foster care at birth in this situation?
Supposedly, this woman is afraid of giving birth, and says in the past, she’d made some horrible mistakes in neglecting her children through drugs. Now that she’s clean, she expects that the state is going to take the child she’s carrying. Does this still happen?
BTW-this is NOT my son’s 1st mom, it is a person through an adoption support groups friend.

Best answer:

Answer by Mum to the Terrible Three!
As far as I’m aware, a child is only apprehended at birth if the parents are still engaging in the behaviours that posed a risk to their children in the past. If she’s now clean, and able to care for the baby adequately I can’t see any reason why the baby would be removed. She may be monitored and offered parenting support.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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