Fulbright Awards Ceremony – in Honor of Doctors Without Borders
Fulbright Awards Ceremony – In Honor of Doctors Without Borders – On September 8, 2012, the Fulbright Association presented its 2012 J. William Fulbright Prize for International Understanding to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. The award, a 000 prize, was received with a speech by Dr. Unni Karunakara, international president of MSF. MSF will utilize the funds from the Fulbright Prize to support its efforts in pioneering a more patient-friendly treatment regimen for people living with drug-resistant TB. Mark Harrington, executive director of the Treatment Action Group, provided a short tribute to MSF prior to the presentation of the award.
New campaign warns sailors of bath salt dangers
Filed under: drug treatment programs washington dc
This latest effort “is part of a long-term communications effort on the danger of synthetic drugs,” said Shoshona Pilip-Florea, a BUMED spokeswoman in Washington, D.C. “Synthetic drugs are a top concern for Navy leadership, and we are actively …
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Barlett & Steele bronze award: Prognosis Profits How we got the story
Filed under: drug treatment programs washington dc
In 2009, as the debate about health care reform picked up steam in Washington, D.C., an editor at The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C., posed a question: Should the newspaper take a deep look at the cost of health care? Mary Jo Warren was swamped with …
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Intelligence Budget 2013: Congress Tightens Belt, Trims Spy Budget
Filed under: drug treatment programs washington dc
That's $ 150 billion in Washington budget-speak, and it doesn't include the far higher costs of incarcerating millions of people for doing drugs. This money isn't getting the government the results it wants. As drug war budgets balloon, drug use escalates.
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