Feeling Like Self Harming ?

Question by : Feeling like self harming ?
Well, I just sit in my room all day and cry all day.. My boyfriend and I broke up I assumed it was mutual but now he refuses to be friends or even talk to me and he already has a girlfriend even though the reason we broke up was because he only has time for himself.. I trusted my doctor when I said that I was planning on hurting myself.. Nothing specific but then she had my parents search my room behind my back and then she had the nerve to suggest residential treatment… I have sooo many issues but I can’t leave.. I carved my name into my leg which alarmed them.. I feel like self harming again:( but I’m too afraid that if I tell they will send me to Utah… What’s it like in teen residential treatment … Help please !!!

Best answer:

Answer by Jessica
Sam please don’t self harm your ex seems like an idiot to me & he definatley didn’t deserve you! The fact you want to self harm tells me your struggling to cope, so is it just with your ex that’s making you feel this bad or is there other things going on?

Either way if you really feel like you need to self harm then maybe a residential place would be good for you, and it will stop you from cutting yourself – these scars you will regret so please think carefully before cutting

Take care


Answer by Sapphire
You have to talk to someone sweetie. I self harm still, and I’m terrified but I’m trying to work up the courage to talk to someone. Treatment would be a lot better than you suffering like this I’m sure. Please talk to your parents, and if you really don’t want to go then tell them that and maybe you can make another arrangement.

Please stop, no guy is worth it sweetie

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