END THE WAR ON DRUGS FACTS AND STATISTICS – The Federal Government spends over billion dollars per year in the War on Drugs — almost 0 every second — and we have lost. The reason for this failure is that we are fighting the war on the wrong front. We have focused the battle on stopping the flow of illegal drugs, thinking that our enemy is the drug dealer or the addict. Law enforcement agencies make drug busts — big and small — taking product off the streets and putting dealers and addicts in jail. This doesn’t work because the addict still wants product there is always another drug dealer or pain clinic around the corner. The only true solution is to reduce demand — which means spending the money on Addiction Treatment. Scare tactics like the DEA report (www.usdoj.gov said that “Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations represent the greatest organized crime threat to the United States” and that “intelligence estimates indicate a vast majority of the cocaine available in US drug markets is smuggled by Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations across the US– Mexico border.” This type of report fuels the fire and encourages spending more and more money on drug interception — which doesn’t work — rather than substance abuse education, intervention and treatment — which has a much larger impact on demand. The same report also cited a 2007 study that “nearly 7 million Americans are abusing prescription drugs — more than the number who are abusing cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, Ecstasy, and inhalants, combined


LA County Probation Department To Crack Down On Repeat DUI Offenders

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

Felons and repeat misdemeanor DUI offenders are over represented in the statistics. By means of a new traffic safety grant, the Probation Department will make sure that the worst offenders comply … Supervision for these high-risk offenders will …
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Narconon Georgia Delivers Holiday Drug Education Targeted at Staying Safe

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

Narconon of Georgia, located in greater Atlanta, is a private non-profit drug treatment center that is licensed by the State of Georgia. The Narconon Drug Rehabilitation and Education program was founded in 1966 by William Benitez. Narconon of Georgia …
Read more on DigitalJournal.com (press release)


COLUMN: Only one deterrent to school massacres

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

There appear to be three specific areas of action that need to be seriously addressed and improved upon: more awareness and treatment of mental health conditions that suggest or could suggest violent behavior, more school security, and more restrictive …
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