Can I Grow Medical Marijuana in Michigan?

Question by Claudio F: Can I grow medical marijuana in Michigan?
I know that they passed a law recently that allows patients to grow their own marijuana for personal use after being approved by their doctors.
I have a farm with greenhouses, and I was thinking about growing marijuana in order to sell it to drug companies.
Is that legal in Michigan?

Best answer:

Answer by cowboydoc
Not in Michigan, in fact it’s illegal to grow or use medical MJ anywhere in the Continental U.S. by Federal law.

Answer by TruthB
You need to consult an attorney and find how grow houses need to operate in MI.
A grow house is not selling to a drug company. They sell to dispensaries. There is a lot of research to grow within the law.
The patient or the designated primary caregiver, may grow marihuana.,1607,7-132-27417_51869—,00.html

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