Born Addicts: Drug-Addicted Babies in the United States


Born Addicts: Drug-Addicted Babies in the United States – In the United States, the number of women abusing prescription pain medications and become opioid drug addicted is growing. “They are women that have had ver…


Medicaid supporters rally outside Rep. Huffman's office

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Sunderhaus added there are states surrounding Ohio that have passed Medicaid expansion: Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky and Michigan. “What that means for us is we're going to be centered around people that … Mike Schoenhofer, director of the Health …


Changes Coming to Indiana Criminal Code

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

"Probably the best place for certain people is not the department of corrections on first offense is especially lower-level drug and property crime offenses," said Douglas Garrison of the Indiana Department of Corrections. So lawmakers have joined …
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Could This Concealed-Carry Law Actually Pass?

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Raoul's bill is the requirement that the applicant have a "proper reason" to carry a firearm, a provision borrowed from Indiana, where "proper reason" is "the defense of oneself or the state of Indiana. … get a permit if they've been a respondent to …