
Question by danielle_wears_prada: addiction?
I have been smoking weed for 5 years now, recently I have been re evaluating my situation and I feel now is the time to give up my vices. I have dealt with hell these past 5 years and I used weed as an outlet, it was always the thing that I could just do and any problem would melt away….for a while that is. I steadily smoked my way through high school and now most of college and I am ready to quit. But heres the problem, I have been a daily smoker for 5 years…quitting just like that is impossible believe me I have tried, every time I get a little weak or upset thats what I turn to. I would like to quit naturally and over a small amount of time without rehab, any suggestions? NOTE TO READERS: PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ANSWER HOW YOU CHOOSE BUT DONT JUDGE ME, I AM SIMPLY ASKING FOR HELP HERE IF YOU CANT PROVIDE THAT THEN DONT ANSWER, ALL RIDICULOUS RESPONSES WILL BE IGNORED. THANKS EVERYONE.

Best answer:

Answer by Attack Dog
It’s pretty hard to quit without help. Getting support from others can help, if there’s anyone who knows you smoke weed you should enlist their support.

Answer by caitie h
i think that you need to go to rehab for this. they will help you to quit. you shouldnt of smoked it because it is very hard to quit. i wsh you the best of luck and i hope that you quit soon

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