What Is the Importance of Drug Abuse Prevention?

Question by : What is the importance of drug abuse prevention?

Best answer:

Answer by Jill
Substance abuse programs and abuse prevention is helpful in letting people be more aware of the effects of addiction. If there is more awareness, not as many individuals wouldn’t have to go through the pain of going through addiction.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Ask SAMHSA Response – Substance Abuse – This is the response to questions asked by the public via Facebook, Twitter, and SAMHSA’s blog about substance abuse prevention as part of SAMHSA’s Ask SAMHSA series. For more information on substance abuse prevention, please visit www.samhsa.gov/prevention.


Program teaches signs of drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse prevention

Chelsea Goldstein, a prevention educator with Pathways of Central Ohio, regularly goes into schools to talk to seventh- and eighth-graders about drugs. Goldstein also attended the Oct. 1 program, and she said it is important for parents to be able to …
Read more on The Newark Advocate


District 99 Musical Tackles Bullying, Drug Abuse as Part of 'Red Ribbon Week'

Filed under: drug abuse prevention

Although Bormann and Bullock said Downers Grove has been "fortunate" not to have any major issues with drugs or severe bullying, both schools have been actively discussing ways to revamp prevention education in the community. "We face the same …
Read more on Patch.com


R. Roger Rowe School to hold Red Ribbon Week Oct. 29-Nov. 2

Filed under: drug abuse prevention

Red Ribbon Week is a national campaign promoting drug, tobacco and alcohol abuse prevention and awareness in youths and their parents. More critically, this educational campaign encourages students of every age to choose to live healthy and positive …
Read more on Rancho Santa Fe Review


From Twitter:

RT @NIDAnews: RT @NIDAnews: October is Prevention Month. Take a minute to brush up on the principles of preventing drug abuse in children: http://t.co … – by RytherVoice (Ryther )


From Twitter:

RT @NIDAnews: RT @NIDAnews: October is Prevention Month. Take a minute to brush up on the principles of preventing drug abuse in children: http://t.co … – by andrewbrown365 (Andrew Brown)


From Twitter:

October is Prevention Month. Take a minute to brush up on the principles of preventing drug abuse in children: http://t.co/CZKnEvaW – by NIDAnews (NIDAnews)