Forum in Mass. Held to Combat Heroin Spike

Forum in Mass. held to combat heroin spike
Bristol County District Attorney Sam Sutter said overdoses and admissions to treatment centers have nearly doubled since 2007. He said addiction to prescription painkillers, and the low cost and accessibility of heroin is at the core of the epidemic …
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Daughter's heroin problem instructs Skokie police
Her daughter became an addict at 16 and has been in and out of eight treatment centers and arrested repeatedly for shoplifting to pay for her habit. "I did not raise a criminal," she said. "I didn't raise a drug addict. I had talks with her. She was a …
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Wis. Assembly OKs 2 more heroin bills
John Nygren, says faster sanctions would help heroin addicts get treatment center. The other measure would require state health officials to create regional opiate treatment centers in underserved areas. Nygren wrote that bill, too. The Assembly passed …
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