What Social and Personal Factors Induce Millions of People to Abuse Drugs and Alcohol?

Question by joker_vs_joker: What social and personal factors induce millions of people to abuse drugs and alcohol?
What social and personal factors induce millions of people to abuse drugs and alcohol despite all the publicity regarding the negative effects of drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by larry o
drugs and alcohol provide a temporary escape from reality and sometimes that helps. especially since reality has gotten a lot more harsh lately than it ever was before. no one considers the negative affects b/c they think that their use of drugs is temporary and they can stop when they feel better. they’re usually wrong.

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EDITORIAL: Despite good news on drug front, Sanford's guard should stay up

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

Law enforcement does the best it can to quell the drug trade in our community, but we have to keep pounding the message into our young people that no good ever comes from drug use. We need to keep preaching the ill effects and hope the message will at …
Read more on Sanford Herald (registration)


Cinnamon, nutmeg can be abused

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

Nutmeg, another pantry staple, also is a drug of choice for some youngsters, who snort, smoke or eat large quantities of the ground spice to get high. The Louisiana Poison Center received its first call about nutmeg abuse in 2000 and the most recent …
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Beauty & the Booze: Former Miss USA's Struggle with Drugs and Alcohol

Filed under: effects of drug abuse

This article was a contributor piece sent in to bring attention helping a loved one battle substance abuse. It was fact checked by NewsLI.com before publication. For more information about the harmful effects of drugs, visit http://www.drugscope.org.uk.
Read more on NewsLI


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